CoMotion Miami Mobility Challenge Powered by I-STREET

Help us save lives and improve mobility on existing transportation infrastructure using emerging technologies and its associated data! Solve these and other highway transportation problems using real-world data from the I-STREET real-world testbed, a collaboration of the University of Florida, the Florida Department of Transportation, and the City of Gainesville. We welcome student teams from Florida universities, and private sector teams with at least one student from an accredited university in Florida. Innovative mobility companies around the world are invited to participate in the challenge.

Current transportation infrastructure has been designed to move cars.  Despite considerable efforts to account for other modes and users, transportation infrastructure (roadways) is still auto-focused, and still dangerous to vulnerable road users (for example pedestrians and bicyclists), and an inefficient use of expensive infrastructure and valuable real estate for all users. This challenge aims to make real gains in saving lives while improving transportation / mobility efficiency and solutions on existing infrastructure by leveraging emerging technologies and its associated data.

Selected Finalists/Teams

Three teams have been selected by a panel of judges as finalists in the CoMotion Miami Mobility Challenge powered by I-STREET (see teams below). The finalists will make presentations to leaders in the transportation mobility industry as part of the CoMotion Miami Mobility Challenge on July 16, 2021 at 3 pm, ET.


  • Rick Neubauer
  • Christopher Perry
  • Oscar Fernandes
  • John Lin (UF Student)

Cambridge Systematics

  • Siddhartha Gulhare (UF student)
  • Yashaswi Karnati (UF student)
  • Pragun Vinayak
  • Vivek Yadav
  • Lila Singer-Berk

Crew IITS (FIU Students)

  • Kamar Amine
  • Syed Morshed
  • Atika Jabin
  • Mahmud Hasan

A total of 15 teams expressed interest in the event with nine submitting entries, which included a concept paper and videos describing the project.


Application is a two-stage process.  In this first stage, we will formalize the teams to ensure that at least one Florida student is included. This will also allow individuals without teams to register and be assigned to a team.  Please register as a team or as an individual by clicking the button below to fill out an application.  Application closed on April 25th.

Indicate whether you are registering a team (all team members must be specified) or just yourself (we will place you in a team).

At least one team member must be a student currently enrolled in an accredited academic institution located in Florida. The organizers will assist teams without any students to identify one or more interested student(s) who can contribute to the project.

The active participation of students will help industry partners around the world learn more about Florida’s transportation system and needs, while the students will benefit from the experience of contributing to an industry-led team in the mobility innovation space.

  • If applying as a team provide the following:
  • The name and title of each team member
  • The team members‘ CVs (pdf files)
  • If you are interested in identifying one or more students for your team, please provide us with the preferred area(s) of expertise.
  • If applying as an individual student, provide the following:
    • Major and type of degree sought
    • Skillset you bring to this challenge
    • Your motivation and goals in participating in this challenge
    • Your CV (pdf file)
    • Whether you prefer to be paired with a student-only team or a business/start-up team

The organizers will aim to pair students and teams according to their skillset and preferences, but we may not be able to do so for everyone depending on the amount of requests.  

After organizers receive participant details, individual students will be paired with teams. Teams will be announced on April 23rd, and I-STREET data will be provided along with a submission page.

Creating Your Solution

Teams will be finalized and announced by April 23, 2021, and they will start preparing for the second stage of the application process. The deadline for submissions is May 17, 2021, 11:59, ET. A link for uploading submissions will be provided to the registered teams.

Use the connected vehicle data, sensor data, video, traffic information, highway design, and signalization data provided by the organizers to develop new tools for improving safety and/or mobility. Use your creativity to develop solutions that enhance the safety of pedestrians and bicyclists, reduce the potential for crashes, and/or improve the efficiency of signalization.  The [supplemental information] on I-STREET provides an overview of the available instrumentation. The registered teams will be provided a data set and supplemental information for creating their submission.

Submission Requirements

Provide a 3-min video that describes your concept

Provide a document (max 10 pages) that includes:

  • Description of a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) or a solution-
    • How  does it directly address the challenge?
    • How can it be commercialized?
    • Concept of Operations
    • A detailed plan for using the I-STREET infrastructure and data
    • The role of the student member/s of the team and their contribution to the submission

Shortlisted teams will be invited to present their concept during the CoMotion Meeting in Miami (in person or virtually)


Submissions will be judged based on:

  • Demonstration of the potential to improve safety and/or mobility
  • Technical accomplishment
  • Creativity
  • Clarity of the written response and video


I-STREET will facilitate a collaboration with City of Gainesville (CoG) and Miami-Dade County (MDC) to explore a pilot implementation with the winner of the event.

The finalists will be featured by Autonomous Florida and will get an opportunity to pitch their ideas at CoMotion Miami to international mobility leaders and stakeholders.  The finalists will be introduced to transportation leaders in Florida.  

Important Dates

Challenge website opens      April 1, 2021
Call for submissions distributed         April 8, 2021
Deadline for expressing intent to submit/student pairing   April 25, 2021
Announcement of teams and distribution of I-STREET data       April 26, 2021
Deadline for submission of conceptsMay 23, 2021
Selection of finalists and invitation to present at CoMotion Miami         June 4, 2021
Jury deliberation and winner selection       June 17, 2021

For more information, contact Dr. Pruthvi Manjunatha, Research Assistant Professor/I-STREET Manager at