UFTI Students and Faculty Attend FAV Summit

UFTI students and faculty attended the Florida Automated Vehicles (FAV) Summit in Tampa, FL, on November 27-28, 2018, which address technologies, operations, and policy issues. Stephen Spana and Aschkan Omidvar, UFTI students, presented during the summit in the exhibitor/poster reception, including the Shark Tank competition, where students pitched research ideas to a panel of industry professionals. […]

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UFTI Affiliate Conducts Study to Analyze, Validate and Optimize Virtual Cement and Concrete Testing

Cement and concrete (C/C) can behave differently if proportions, materials or processing steps are not correct, and this can lead to big changes in performance. Currently, empirical methods derived from equations and tables can predict the behavior of new cement mixes. However, the use of computational methods based on the property of materials from C/C […]

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