News and EventsNews and Events

An American Urban Planner in Leeds

Dr. Ruth Steiner, a professor of the Department of Urban and Regional Planning at UF, who is also affiliated with UFTI, spent the months of March and April 2014 as a visiting professor with the Institute for Transport Studies (ITS)… Read More

Student Feature Thomas Chase

Thomas Chase, a civil engineering Ph.D. student, is embracing all that is transportation engineering in his time here at UF. When he first started in transportation, he only thought about this field as cars and roads, but now enjoys the… Read More

Student Feature Don Watson

Don Watson is a second year Ph.D. student in Civil Engineering at UF, focusing on transportation engineering. As part of his Ph.D. project, Don is writing code to determine drivers’ lane-changing behavior in a new CORSIM application. CORSIM currently utilizes… Read More

STRIDE Regional Center 2013 Annual Report

The Southeastern Transportation Research, Innovation, Development and Education (STRIDE) Center housed at the University of Florida is a U.S. Department of Transportation grant-funded University Transportation Center that conducts transportation-related research  in the areas of safety, livable communities and economic competitiveness.… Read More

TRIP 2014 Summer Interns

Four students where chosen to participate in this summer’s Transportation Research Internship Program (TRIP). The program is managed by the STRIDE Center, a U.S. DOT grant-funded regional transportation center housed at the University of Florida. The interns are: Kory Harb… Read More

Our Graduates & Where They Are Now

Muhammad Ali, M.S. (2013) Civil Engineer AI Engineers, Inc., Hartford, Conn. Grady Carrick, Ph.D. (2012) President Enforcement Engineering, Inc. Amy Cavaretta, M.S./MAURP (2013) Transportation Analyst Cambridge Systematics, Inc., Bethesda, Md. Jennifer Connell, B.S. (2014) Kimley-Horn & Associates, Inc. Nagendra Dhakar,… Read More