McTrans Website Overhaul

The McTrans Center website ( has been transformed to be consistent with the University of Florida standards.  The Center took the opportunity to enhance and update the organization and capabilities of the site by providing more immediate access to the most used areas like product information and ordering, while expanding the training curriculum to include the recently introduced webinar series.  Links to all legacy site pages have been preserved to ensure any published locations continue to be supported.  The online catalog system remains in place, since it was built in-house to interface with the database and accounting systems.  While the design appears different, the interaction with the newly designed site has been fully integrated for seamless operations between the new information and the existing catalog.  Bill Sampson, director of McTrans said, “We hope you agree that the new system is easier to find information and access services using the recently reorganized menu structure.”  The snapshot to the right of the page shows the updated menu structure.