Traffic Operations

Research in transportation operations is intended to identify techniques for increasing the efficiency of the transportation system, improving safety, and improving air quality.  Research in this area also seeks to develop methods for the analysis of operating conditions on all kinds of transportation facilities.  Researchers at the University of Florida in transportation operations not only make use of “big data” sources but they also are leading the way in simulation-based research. UF researchers make use of an instrumented vehicle for a variety of field studies related to car-following and lane changing models, level of service perception studies, and other initiatives. Our laboratories have several signal controllers and other hardware and software for signal control optimization and analysis. We also work extensively with traffic simulation tools and have strong partnerships with traffic software developers.  In addition, the McTrans Center develops and sells the Highway Capacity Software, which is used extensively across the US and internationally.

Project TitlePIFunding SourceStatus


Lily Elefteriadou, Ph.D.

Professor Department of Civil and Coastal Engineering

Bill Sampson, P.E.

Engineer Department of Civil and Coastal Engineering

Scott Washburn, Ph.D., P.E.

Associate Professor Department of Civil and Coastal Engineering