UFTI Dr. Xiang ‘Jacob’ Yan Wins Best Ph.D. Dissertation Award from the World Society for Transport and Land Use Research (WSTLUR)

Dr. Xiang ‘Jacob’ Yan was presented with the best Ph.D. dissertation award from the World Society for Transport and Land Use Research (WSTLUR). Dr. Yan is a research assistant professor in the Engineering School of Sustainable Infrastructure and Environment at the University of Florida and also an affiliate of the UFTI.

Dr. Yan’s dissertation focused on the concept of accessibility to destinations. In the video interview, Dr. Yan summarizes the project that he worked on for his dissertation project titled “Redefining the Value of Accessibility: Toward a Better Understanding of How Accessibility Shapes Household Residential Location and Travel Choices,”. He also discusses his perspective on how accessibility merges concepts from land use planning and transportation planning.

“I am honored to receive the best dissertation award from #WSTLUR,” Dr. Yan said. “It provides me great confidence to continue doing work that (hopefully) pushes the boundaries of accessibility research.”

To read more on the dissertation click here.