The UFTI welcomes Dr. Gustavo R. de Andrade as Associate Engineer at the UFTI’s McTrans Center.

Dr. Gustavo R. de Andrade, Associate Engineer, UFTI/McTrans Center

Dr. de Andrade has over 13 years of experience in transportation engineering consultancy, where he has contributed to and led projects on travel demand and revenue forecasting for PPP, multimodal planning, cost-benefit studies, road safety, training, and development of customized tools for clients focusing on road capacity level of service analysis.

His academic research centered on the calibration of the Highway Capacity Manual (HCM) methods to local conditions and the investigation of the relationship between operations and safety measures.

As a Ph.D. student at UF, Dr. de Andrade was actively involved with the ITE student chapter and contributed to UFTI funded projects as necessary. He also worked on a STRIDE project focused on integrating safety and operations for arterial optimization, which resulted in publications and a tool incorporated into the McTrans Highway Capacity Software. Dr. de Andrade also collaborated with McTrans on several other projects, including the development of training material and a new safety software – Highway Safety Manual.

Under Dr. Elefteriadou’s guidance, Dr. de Andrade also helped draft and stablish an international agreement in 2018 which resulted in a dual Ph.D. degree in Transportation Engineering from the University of São Paulo, Brazil and Civil Engineering from the University of Florida.

He is now an active member of the Highway Capacity and Quality of Service (HCQS) Committee of the Transportation Research Board (TRB).