Students and Staff Learn to “Harmonize Life” in a Busy World

The WTS Florida Gator Student Chapter at UF hosted a workshop titled “Harmonizing Life: Words, Work and the World Around Us”, which was presented by Marsha Anderson Bomar, a principal at Stantec. The workshop was held on the evening of March 24, 2015 at a classroom in the UF College of Engineering. The audience included a mix of undergraduate and graduate students and some engineering staff.

Anderson Bomar is a member of the UFTI’s External Advisory Board (EAB) and was in town that week for the Institute’s annual meeting of the EAB. She is a supporter of the WTS student chapter at UF and is currently in a leadership position with WTS International. Anderson Bomar has presented various other workshops in the past at UF such as “The Language of Leadership” in 2014 and the “Ethics & Workplace Dynamic Workshop in 2013.

During the Harmonizing Life event, Anderson Bomar spoke to students and staff on how to find the right employer-employee match to maximize career success, and she also provided suggestions and advice on how to develop relationships (mentors) to help individuals advance within an organization. For example: “Do the job to earn the job” was advice Anderson Bomar gave to the group when aspiring to move within an organization, saying it is always best to speak with someone currently in the job to gain insight and experience and to volunteer or job shadow as well.

Michael Armstrong, a graduate student in the transportation program at UF, said he did not know what to expect of the workshop beforehand, but he was very glad he attended. “Her whole career and family story was inspiring, and I especially appreciated her advice to fellow Type A’s in terms of making relaxation and time-off a priority in your career,” Armstrong said.  “I am currently in the process of job searching, and she provided some very compelling insight as far as the right questions to ask and what to look for in a potential employer.”

Anderson Bomar also spoke about family and women’s issues and how young professionals need to strike the right balance keep their family intact. “No longer are family matters just women’s issues, they are everyone’s issues,” Anderson Bomar said. “Young professionals need to demonstrate commitment but may also need some flexibility to manage family matters, and constructive dialogues with colleagues and superiors can set the stage.”

Jessica Wallet, president of the WTS Florida Gator Student Chapter, has attended Anderson Bomar’s workshops in the past and always comes away with useful information. “One of the main points Marsha stressed was that there is no perfect balance between work life and personal life; there is only harmony,” Wallet said. “I enjoy all of her presentations and was really thankful that she was able to take time out of her schedule to come and talk to us about what life will be like post-graduation.”

Anderson Bomar not only shared her success stories of techniques she has used that have worked in the past for harmonizing family and work, but she also shared what didn’t work such as learning to live with less sleep, the importance of building a support network and what happens when you don’t ask for help. Anderson Bomar stressed upon “being very present wherever you are [at home or at work], so you can spend needed time on one or the other with minimal guilt.”

Ria Kontou, a doctoral student in the transportation program, focused on Anderson Bomar’s advice in developing leadership skills. “Marsha’s workshop was a great opportunity to learn more about balancing life and work from a professional’s perspective,” Kontou said. “As a PhD student, I cherish her advice on developing leadership skills. I found her speech very motivating, and I am proud that WTS got to organize this event.”